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DOI:10.2307/3803199 - Corpus ID: 8392679
@article{Anderson2000NullHT, title={Null Hypothesis Testing: Problems, Prevalence, and an Alternative}, author={David R. Anderson and Kenneth P. Burnham and William L. Thompson}, journal={Journal of Wildlife Management}, year={2000}, volume={64}, pages={912-923}, url={}}
- David R. Anderson, K. Burnham, W. Thompson
- Published 1 October 2000
- Environmental Science
- Journal of Wildlife Management
It is found that null hypothesis testing is uninformative when no estimates of means or effect size and their precision are given, and an alternative paradigm of data analysis based on Kullback-Leibler information is described.
1,866 Citations
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1,866 Citations
- F. FidlerM. BurgmanG. CummingRob ButtroseN. Thomason
- 2006
Biology, Environmental Science
Conservation biology : the journal of the Society…
Overall, results of the survey show some improvements in statistical practice, but further efforts are clearly required to move the discipline toward improved practices.
- 134
- Douglas H. Johnson
- 2002
Environmental Science, Biology
It is suggested that consistent results from truly replicated studies will advance the understanding of the natural world, and that significance testing and resulting P-values frequently are confused with issues of replication.
- 66
- D. RobinsonH. Wainer
- 2002
Biology, Environmental Science
It is suggested that the historical use of null hypothesis significance testing was reasonable and that current users might spend time profitably reading some of Fisher's applied work, but modifications to NHST, and to the interpretations of its outcomes, might better suit the needs of modern science.
- 79
- Highly Influenced
- T. Gerrodette
- 2011
Environmental Science
Inference based on significance testing is compared with model-based, likelihood and Bayesian inference using data on an endangered porpoise, Phocoena sinus, to find alternatives that lead to greater understanding and improved inference.
- 51
- D. RobinsonH. Wainer
- 2001
Environmental Science
Criticisms of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) have appeared recently in wildlife research journals (Anderson, Burnham, & Thompson, 2000; Anderson, Link, Johnson, & Burnham, 2001; Cherry,…
- 10
- Y. Wiersma
- 2011
Environmental Science
This chapter suggests that the field of predictive habitat modeling evolved somewhat separately within the sub-disciplines of theoretical ecology, wildlife management, and landscape ecology due to slightly different worldviews, cultures, and research applications within each subfield.
- 4
- Erin E. BlankenshipaMicah W PerkinsbR. J. Johnsonc
- 2002
Environmental Science
In the wildlife literature there has becn some recent criticism of statistical significance testing. In the past few years, both the Journal of ·Wildlife :vIanagement and the Wildlife Society…
- 3
- P. Murtaugh
- 2014
Environmental Science
Statistical hypothesis testing has been widely criticized by ecologists in recent years. I review some of the more persistent criticisms of P values and argue that most stem from misunderstandings or…
- 1
- Highly Influenced
- J. Wilson WhiteA. RassweilerJ. SamhouriA. StierC. White
- 2014
Environmental Science
This article argues that modelers should abandon frequentist statistical hypothesis tests applied to simulation model output as a misuse of statistical theory, and encourages instead a focus on the magnitude of differences between simulations.
- 330
- S. HurlbertCelia M. Lombardi
- 2009
Mathematics, Environmental Science
This essay grew out of an examination of one-tailed significance testing. One-tailed tests were little advocated by the founders of modern statistics but are widely used and recommended nowadays in…
- 261
60 References
- Douglas H. Johnson
- 1999
Biology, Environmental Science
This paper describes how statistical hypothesis tests are often viewed, and then contrasts that interpretation with the correct one, and discusses the arbitrariness of P-values, conclusions that the null hypothesis is true, power analysis, and distinctions between statistical and biological significance.
- 1,073
- S. Goodman
- 1993
History, Medicine
American journal of epidemiology
An analysis using another method promoted by Fisher, mathematical likelihood, shows that the p value substantially overstates the evidence against the null hypothesis.
- 262
- A. Ellison
- 1996
Environmental Science
It is argued that a "Bayesian ecology" would make better use of pre-existing data; allow stronger conclusions to be drawn from large-scale experiments with few replicates; and be more relevant to environmental decision-making.
- 455
- J. BergerT. Sellke
- 1987
Abstract The problem of testing a point null hypothesis (or a “small interval” null hypothesis) is considered. Of interest is the relationship between the P value (or observed significance level) and…
- 1,014
- J. NeymanE. S. Pearson
- 1928
In an earlier paper* we have endeavoured to emphasise the importance of placing in a logical sequence the stages of reasoning adopted in the solution of certain statistical problems, which may be…
- 1,006
- M. GardnerD. Altman
- 1986
British medical journal
Some methods of calculating confidence intervals for means and differences between means are given, with similar information for proportions, and the paper also gives suggestions for graphical display.
- 1,906
- S. IyengarJ. Greenhouse
- 1988
This paper uses selection models, or weighted distributions, to deal with one source of bias, namely the failure to report studies that do not yield statistically significant results, and applies selection models to two approaches that have been suggested for correcting the bias.
- 366
- Jacob Cohen
- 1994
After 4 decades of severe criticism, the ritual of null hypothesis significance testing (mechanical dichotomous decisions around a sacred .05 criterion) still persists. This article reviews the…
- 3,980
- H. Akaike
- 1974
The history of the development of statistical hypothesis testing in time series analysis is reviewed briefly and it is pointed out that the hypothesis testing procedure is not adequately defined as…
- 47,278
- S. GoodmanJ. Berlin
- 1994
Annals of Internal Medicine
The problems with the framework of statistical power are elucidated in the course of explaining why post hoc estimates of power are of little help in interpreting results and why the focus of attention should be exclusively on confidence intervals.
- 600
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